Information for interested students to read with Parents/Guardians



  • An actor or crew member’s first responsibility is as a student. Students on academic probation will not be eligible to participate at rehearsals.
  • Rehearsals, just like athletic practices, should not be missed because of procrastination.  

Time Commitment 

  • All our plays require commitment. Sometimes arrangements can be made with athletic teams, but it requires advance notice to everyone (parents, coaches, director, etc). Students holding a job, being on a sports team, or participating in time consuming outside of school activities must be willing to be flexible, proactive, and responsible if they are attempting to balance those obligations with rehearsals. It certainly is possible; it will just require lots of communication! 
  • Actors and crew will be required to help as needed with set building, painting, costume needs, etc. 
  • All actors and crew are required to attend tech rehearsal (typically the Saturday before opening) and strike (directly following last performance). 
  • Cast and crew will be expected to arrive early and stay late during “production week” when it is necessary to be in costume/mics/hair/makeup, running the show, and cleaning up after


  • Attendance at rehearsal is critical. However, if a student is absent from school, they may NOT attend rehearsal that evening (same as the athletic policy).
  • Please notify the proper parties if you will not be attending rehearsal. Directions about how to do this will be presented at the first cast meeting. 
  • If absences are unexcused, it is the director’s discretion if that actor will remain in the show. 
  • If an actor has missed numerous rehearsals they may be removed from certain scenes, or from the production totally. 
  • If you, as an actor, miss a rehearsal it is your responsibility to find the Stage Manager the next rehearsal and collect any stage directions you missed. 


  • Drama Club membership dues are $30 for the year.
  • If you are cast in a production; show fees will be an additional cost.
  • Actors will need to provide their own shoes for productions. These include specialty dance shoes if they are required for a production (tap shoes, character shoes, etc.). Instructions on what shoes are needed will be given as early as possible. 
  • Often shoes can be borrowed from the Drama Club’s costume storage, may be shoes an actor already owns, or may be purchased at a thrift store. 
  • Actors also need to provide their own socks and hosiery. Makeup is traditionally provided by the Drama Club, but most actors prefer to provide their own. Details about makeup vary per production. 
  • Costumes are provided by the Drama Club. However, due to our limited budget, actors are sometimes asked to provide basic costume pieces (for example black pants, white button-down dress shirt, leggings). This also varies based on the show. 
  • Traditionally, show t-shirts or other apparel are made available for sale. It is not required to purchase but many students like to have a t-shirt (there will be days when all will wear shirts to school to promote production). Typically, the cost is around $15.


  • BEFORE TECH WEEK all cast and crew will be asked to volunteer at least 6 hours to help with production jobs. Some examples include – set build, costume organizing or sewing, set painting, prop creation/gathering, hanging/focusing lights, designing posters, hanging posters, designing, and decorating display case, taking cast/crew headshots, designing program, numbering, and cutting tickets, setting light or sound cues. The Stage Manager will keep a running tally of hours contributed. Hours must be approved by Director.
  • The Drama Club operates on a very limited budget. We rely on parent volunteers to help with set building, costume gathering and sewing, prop gathering and building, publicity efforts, running the concession stand, and a variety of other things that come up during a production. 
  • If you are handy with a screw gun or a sewing machine, we need your help! 
  • Is a glue gun more your speed? Don’t worry, there are projects for every skill level. 
  • At the start of each production please watch for information about a parent meeting or opportunities for parent involvement. Many hands make light work! 

Being involved with theatre is a unique experience. Take a chance and be a part of something special during your years at Sprayberry High School!!!s