show info

audition scenes:

She Kills Monsters Auditions Agnes

She Kills Monsters Auditions Chuck and Agnes

She Kills Monsters Auditions Narrator

She Kills Monsters Auditions Tilly and Agne

Auditions for She Kills Monsters will be Thursday, August 3 and Friday, August 4 from 4-5:30pm. You only need to come to one audition date unless you are asked to attend the second date.  See audition scenes linked above to prepare ahead of time.

If cast, rehearsals will take place every Monday and Tuesdays from 3:30-5:30pm and Thursdays from 3:30-7:30pm. We will rehearse daily (Mon-Friday) during tech week. All rehearsals are mandatory to be a part of the show. She Kills Monsters will be performing in the One-Act Competition.

There will be a $50 performance fee for the cast and crew.


Please print, fill out, sign and return the Contract Form using the link below to audition!

Rumors Production Contract to be completed and returned to Mr. Robertson


Cast list will be posted soon.